in a starry dreamscape
he called to me ...
his ancient song
a beacon
his purity of Being
and boddhisattvic intent
the key
opening the portal between us ...
this dreaming human-psyche
and his Soul-world
where he is immortal and free.
unemcumbered, unhindered
by any earthly identity
I step into the lustrous white light
he is there
this child of 9 or 10.
without hesitation
"Oh, it's you!"
- a silent exclamation.
we embrace
pure, profuse
so natural
this innate overwhelming love
for this child.
I know him so well.
It has been so long.
How could I not have recognised you?
ebullient reunion
two Souls merged
in consumate wholeness -
a natural, deep GOODNESS
all observed by other Soul-presences
standing in the background
... they travel with him.
and then he leaves
this dreaming psyche
clothed again in human female
acculturated back into her
habits, ways of thinking, suffering, delights,
human love and wounds.
also carrying a
which grows
a gift has been given
a balm for the deepest wound
the wound which desaturates life.
sitting on the edge of the bed in the morning light
revivifying the dreamscape
of love and goodness
streaming from my Being
captivated by the FELT-KNOWING
of identity not previously met
the questions bubble up ...
a Soul?
what is this life nested within?
are we in pluriform existence?
called into another realm
initiated into a deep mythic process
of Souls meeting in fulgent light,
his presence
bare and without pretension
'my true face'
the remembrance of such
the healing balm for my return.
That morning at breakfast in the dining hall
I saw him
loose white curls down to his shoulders
twisted arms and legs
contorted face
his small frame strapped into the bouncer
not knowing how to introduce myself
so civil, restrained in my earth-suit,
I say, "Good morning. I had a dream about your little one last night."
"Oh," she says "people often come up to tell us about his visits."
Looking back, I am regretful of my timidity.
How I wish I had told them.
I wish I had asked them about their little boy.
I wish I had knelt down, looked into his eyes and said
hello and thank you.
Thank you for visiting me.
Please click here for Part 2
Chiron's apprentice, took place in 2000 during a 10-day interfaith peace retreat in an old manor in southern England.
The ancient symbol for Chiron is in the image above, created by Tom.