This is what I am here for ...
to observe
wordlessly wondering
at the movement, the colour, the shapes
into the textures and shadows
feeling with the eyes, ears, skin, nose, hair
feeling with the awareness that joins inside and out
This is what I am here for ...
to notice
the wind through the trees
the bark on the ground
the leaves falling
the sun on the stone
the flower open
the wet soil
the skin of a dead toad
silently broadcasting their truth ...
wild abandon
endless transformation
overwhelming momentum
traceless belonging
belonging to all that came before
there is no other way
this becoming on and on ...
In the unceasing teachings
everything has its own integrity
and sovereignty
none stands above another
each living gifted life
whole just as it is
under no dominion
Life is here, HERE for its own joy
- that tree, those ants, that possum, those sheep
oh! you and me
All given the right of belonging here. To just live.
That we are here, anything is here
is no mistake.
There is no secret, though it may appear that way.
The birther of us all, of everything
is 'hidden nearby',
though in FELT sight.
We use our inheritance, our natural belonging
to feel the tender, joyful, sacred living breath
in all things.
All of creation made through and through
from goodness - whole and complete.
Perfect just as it is.
This is what I am here for ...
to stand in the teachings of this ...
given over, emptied by awe
filled with gratitude
to say a thousand thank yous
with my whole being
arms open with joy
and know that I am heard.
That's what I am here for ...
Breathed into Being by LOVE.
Please follow link to Part 2
This poem is based on a number of mystical revelations.
Photo: walking - Santa Casa, Queenscliff, Victoria